LabVIEW Web Server

Web Publishing Tool

You easily can construct a simple Web document that contains VIs using the Web Publishing Tool wizard. To launch the Web Publishing Tool, select Tools»Web Publishing Tool.

In the wizard, you can specify which VI you want to publish along with text that is displayed before and after the VI. You can preview the Web page and save it in the LabVIEW Web Server's document directory.

Web Publishing Tool Inputs

Begin constructing your page by specifying the text and VI in your Web page.

Document Title
This text is displayed as the title of your document. It also is displayed in the title bar of the browser window.
This text is displayed above the VI image.
VI Name
This item specifies the VI whose image appears on the page. You can use the menu to select an open VI or choose a VI on disk. You also can directly enter a name of a VI.
Viewing Options
The only viewing option that is supported by the Web Server running on the RT target is Embedded.
This text is displayed below the VI image.

Previewing the Page

When you have specified the content of the page, you can preview it by clicking the Preview in Browser button, which launches your default Web browser application and displays your page.

If the Preview in Browser button is disabled, the LabVIEW Web Server is not currently enabled. You can enable the Web Server in the Options dialog box, or you can start it directly by clicking the Start Web Server button. If the Preview in Browser button remains disabled, the Web Server could not be started, possibly because TCP/IP is not correctly configured on your computer or another application is already using the server port.
The Preview in Browser button uses the LabVIEW Web Server of the LabVIEW development environment, not the LabVIEW Web Server running on the RT target.

You can change the strings in the Web Publishing Tool input fields and click the Preview in Browser button to see how the changed document appears in the browser.

Saving the Page

Once you have designed your page, click the Save to Disk button to save your Web document. You must then use an FTP client to transfer the document to the root directory of the Web Server running on the RT target.

Advanced Editing

You can use Web authoring software (such as Adobe PageMill, FileMaker Home Page, Microsoft FrontPage, or Netscape Communicator) to edit the documents you have created with the Web Publishing Tool wizard.

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